What is the meaning of aw snap?
aw snap meaning - this means that Chrome is having problems loading a webpage you're trying to see. aw snap error in chrome browse -If you're getting the "Awsnap" error page, this means that Chrome is having problems loading a webpage you're trying to see.
Why does Google Chrome keep saying aw snap?
When you're browsing the Web with Google Chrome, you might see an "Aw, Snap!" ... This happens when Chrome detects a problem and the page won't load. The message doesn't give exact details as to what went wrong, but this error usually indicates a problem with your browser extensions or anti-virus software.

Why its happen ,aw snap error in chrome ?

There is a some reason behind this. we generally add many extension like hotspot shield , ublock ,google translate etc. Due to lot of extension or some extension ,AW snap error occur.the main reason of this occuring of aw snap error is extension.when google chrome updates automatically , presence of extension , aw snap error occur.

How can we fix aw snap error?

Here there  are some Methods to fix aw snap error in google chrome.


step 1: Go to  the start menu 

step 2: search "Google chrome" in the search bar              of Menu

step 3:Right click on google chrome and click on              "open file location" 

step 4:Right click on google chrome and go to its              properties 

step 5 :type the command in Targer location 

            command :  --disable-                     features==RendererCodeintegrity

step 6: After that go to its compatiblity  setting                  and choose compatibity mode
step 7 : Run and select windows 8 

step 8: click on apply and click 'ok'

step 9: Done and Relaunch chrome 


step 1. Open the Run dialog, type and run                  “regedit” command without quotes
step 2. Navigate          to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome

step 3. In the right pane, right click New >      DWORD (32-bit) Value to create a new key

step 4. Double click on it and enter the value name as “RendererCodeIntegrityEnabled” and value data as 0.

RendererCodeIntegrityEnabled Registry key

step 4. Done and open Chrome.

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